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그랜드 투어: 여행과 독서 기록
FT Weekend 2024.09.07.-09.08. 본문
Source 출처: FT Weekend 2024년 9월 7일 - 9월 8일 자
Fed options open after key jobs data
Half-point rate cuts possible
Official vow to be cautious
Mixed labour market picture
Frozen croissants infiltrate France and even top pastry chefs cannot spot them
Japan rice shortage blamed on tourists, policy and weather
Supermarkets have limited customers to one bag at a time amid the shortages, which have been variously blamed on an influx of sushi-hungry tourists, extreme weather and decades of misguided agricultural policy.
사람들이 패닉에 빠져 실제 먹을 양 보다 더 구입한다, 매일 쌀을 먹지 않는다고 해도 비축해 놓는 걸 좋아한다고.
가격을 높게 유지하기 위해 생산량 제한한 정책의 문제라는 지적도
"We chose our current situation. With different policies Japan could have become a rice-exporting superpower, as twice as much output, huge reserves and a global role in reducing food insecurity.
Japan's rising numbers of foreign visitors are one factor driving up rice consumption. 1월에서 6월까지 2천 100만명 방문
Iran's leaders fret as young fall out of love with marriage
A midlife renaissance
About how women can continue to thrive, create, expand and shift the world even as their own worlds change.
Nanushka sets sights on NY
Interview: A supply chain crisis took the fashion brand into the red - now it has big plans.
헝가리 브랜드 Nanushka
9월에 뉴욕 런웨이 최초 호스트, 10월에는 파리 라파예트 백화점에 스핀오프 카페 오픈, 런던 메이페어에도 Nanushka apartment 오픈 예정
supply chain 위기에서 벗어나고 승승장구
"Crisis management was more demanding and challenging thatn anything I had to do in my life. The last couple of years have been a rollercoast for us. There was so much work done internally in this period - consolidating the house codes, consolidating our merchandising strategy, looking at what our strengths and weaknesses are - but we didn't really have the chance to show it to the outside world. It felt like [now] it was time to make some confident and bold moves."
"You really have to nail down the price point, the size of range and the target market. Even if the company is a pioneer in the space in terms of creativity, you need to have a very strong merchandising focus to succeed. And that's usually the biggest issue with emerging brands."
사업은 감수성이 아닌 현실감을 가지고 해야하는 것, 또한 하나의 반짝이는 히트가 아닌 지속성, 어떤 분야라 하더라도
longevity, sustainability, consistency
It's showtime for luxury labels
The weigh of the world
Rio Kobayashi
Heuman Touch
Carl Eldh's time-capsule gallery in Stockholm has landed in the present.
FT의 HTSI의 가장 훌륭한 점: 사진을 정말 잘 찍는단 말이지
ⓒ 2024. @hanahanaworld.tistory.com all rights reserved.
'자료 > 신문스크랩' 카테고리의 다른 글
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