그랜드 투어: 여행과 독서 기록

FT Weekend 2024.12.14.-12.15. 본문


FT Weekend 2024.12.14.-12.15.

Writer Hana 2025. 1. 12. 21:39

출처 Source: FT Weekend 2024년 12월 14일-12월 15일 자


Macron picks centrist ally as premier
Tokyo hopes four-day will coax workers into sloving population crisis
The Tokyo Metropolitan Government will allow its staff to work a four-day week as authorities in the world's largest city begin a radical experiment to reverse Japan's low birth rate.
Stars of Putin's 'elite' management school are suspected war ciriminals
Geothermal(지열) power
Fracking techniques hold promise of new evergy
fracking: 수압 파쇄법, 틈에 고압의 액체를 주입하여 광석을 파쇄하고 물질을 채굴
Technique pioneeded in fracking for oil and gas have unlocked a potential source of renewable energy from the earth's crust that could rival the cost of production wind and solar energy within a decade, the International Energy Agency said yesterday. 
Xi prioritises domestic consumption for growth
"[Xi] needs to maintain a baseline of economic growth to ensure that his broader rejuvenation agenda can keep moving forward."
Opinion Date Points
The London problem is holding young Brits bac
The UK is the only western G7 member where the best jobs have become much more concentrated in the dominant region.
반면에 미국이나 독일은 골고루 분산
For graduates seeking success, American offers many paths in many places. No to the UK.
우리나라도 별반 다르지 않지, 서울·인천·서울 바로 근처 경기도 지역에 knowledge intensive job뿐 아니라 모든 종류가 일자리가 몰려 있음 
Uk, Italy and Japan agree deal for next-generation fighter jet
영국의 BAE system, 이탈리아의 Leonardo, 일본의 Japan Aircraft Industrial Enhancement Co, 각 33.3% 지분으로 계약 체결, 2035년 비행 목표로 
Dealmakers scent Trump-led M&A boom
Animal spirits are back on Wall Street. The return of "Merger Monday" this week, with a wave of large transactions being announced at the same time, was a strongest indication yet that dealkmakers are gearing up for a robust comeback under president-elect Donald Trump. 
그러나 보수적인 반독점 정책 역풍 경고도 

Time to reflect

The Church at Auvers
The Pet Goldfinch

주의를 방해하고 집중을 깨는 것들, 이러한 intrusion이 사색과 연결되면 창의적인 것 또는 예상치 못한 발견으로 이어지는 게 아닐지 
The blazer gives way to the boxy jacket
The little boxy jacket is steadily becoming a winter essential due to the resurgence of '80s-inspired fashion.

Michael Bennett
focusing on empowerment through technology and education 
"Those moments shaped the way I see my role - as a builder, not just for structures but for futures."
The lessons of Mellody Hobson
financial literacy의 중요성
Ariel Investment 의 공동 경영자이자 사장인 Mellody Hobson의 어린이를 위한 금융책 <Priceless Facts About Money> 
시카고에서 6남매 중 막내로 가난한 싱글맘 가정에서 성장, 심지어 전기세를 못내 전기가 끊기기도 했다고 
어렸지만 그녀는 엄마에게 고지서와 월세 등에 관하여 자신이 생각하는 돈에 대하여 조언을 했다고, 심지어 레스토랑에서 내야할 팁까지 계산해줬다고
Hobson has long been on a mission to get people to talk about money with their children. She cites a survey statistic: 77 per cent of Americans are anxious or uncomfortable when it comes to money. 
"I've been dealing with that relationship with money since I was an intern at Ariel at 19 years old," she says. Getting a job in finance, "I was like, this is my therapy", she says. With money, "its was never about quantity, it was about knowledge. And I'm still on that same quest."   
A new lease of life
Today's retirement homes aren't for retiring types. And, in the face of a loneliness epidemic, community amtters, says Jill Krasny.
Restitution, wrangling and renewal in Benin
서아프리카 Benin 의 도시 Abomey
ⓒ 2024. @hanahanaworld.tistory.com all rights reserved.   


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