그랜드 투어: 여행과 독서 기록

FT Weekend 2025.01.11.-01.12. 본문


FT Weekend 2025.01.11.-01.12.

Writer Hana 2025. 2. 15. 21:44

Source 출처: 2025년 1월 11일-1월 12일 자


Robust US jobs report triggers stocks sell-off
- Yields rise as figures smash forecasts
- Hopes for early Fed rate cuts dashed

지난 12월에 미국 일자리 256,000개 증가, 예상치 160,000을 크게 웃도는 숫자
Greenland PM says island wants to be independent with 'its own voice' 
"We don't want to be Danish, we don't want to be American, we want to be Greenlandic."
Xi to dispatch high-level envoy for US inauguration
China's President Xi Jinping will send a high-level envoy to Donald Trump's inauguration, in an unprecedented move designed to reduce friction between the counturies at the start of the new US administraion. 
South Korea. Impasse
Yoon's defiance deepens divisions 
The art of dealing with Trump
The US president-elect has made a series of aggressive claims about potential territorial expansion in Greenland, Canda and Panama. For allies, they have been a crash course in his negotiating tactics.
트럼프의 발언 과연 정책 목표인가, 협상 전술인가, 의미없는 엄포인가? 
"still in the campaigning phase" "He is setting a tone, he wants to destabilise people, warn them he's serious."
동맹국 리더들은 아무 말도 하지 않으면 트럼프가 논제를 선점해버릴 수 있어서 문제고 그렇다고 듣기 불편한 말에 일일이 반응할 수도 없고
그린란드의 전략적 가치, 북극, 미사일 경보 시스템, 천연 자원 
"What Trump is telling his people he plans to do is not what you are hearing at the press conference."
"Musk is the really scary one," says another EU official.
Tesla chooses China for debut latest Model Y
Private equity and venture capital funds predict huge potential in volleyball
Chinese toymaker taps 'kidult' craze as shares soar on Hong Kong debut
Bloks Group 홍콩에 상장, IPO

Big Tech's big problem
Behind the recent political gambles of X and Meta is a cold business logic - and a position of weakness rather than strength, writes David Allen Green.
"Who watches the watchmen?"
규제를 통해 더 나은 세상이 된다?
At base social media is about the ability of anyone with an internet connection to use an online platform to say anything they want about anybody to anyone.
But mass disinformation and misinformation often break no private law rights of individuals. The real victim instead is healthy public discourse.  
그런데 가짜 정보 여부를 판별하는 기준은? 사실인데도 가짜라고 판단해버리거나 가짜인데 진실이라고 누군가 결정을 내린다면? 
빅테크와 공공정책
미국 빅테크에 대한 regulation: Jurisdiction outside the US
The social media platforms have realised that they cannot win the battles with foreign governments and legal systems by themselves. 
In any ultimate battle, the state will prevail over a corporation for the simple reason that a corporation as a legal person only has legal existence and entiltlements to the extent set out by legislation. Those who contorl the law can, if they want, control and tame any corporate in their jurisdiction.
The rise of night beauty routines
40 Holidays to take in 2025
1월 프라하 18기에 지어진 Savarin palace 다시 오픈, 알폰스 무하 헌정 갤러리로, 300개 이상의 작품 

Extra-curricular activity

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