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그랜드 투어: 여행과 독서 기록
FT Weekend 2024.10.05.-10.06. 본문
Source 출처 FT Weekend 2024년 10월 5일 - 10월 6일 자
US jobs growth beats expectations
- 254,000 added to payrolls
- Fed backed to temper rate cuts
- Analysts hail 'game-changer'
과연 11월 다음 Fed 회의에서 금리를 0.25 또 내릴 것인가
금리에 민감한 2년 국채 two-year Treasury yield 0.18% 올라 월 중 가장 높은 3.9% 기록
ECJ ruling against Fifa threatens new ball game for football transfer system
2014년에 Diarra는 계약 만료 전에 Lokomotive를 떠남, 구단은 피파에 제소를 했고 Diarra가 1천 만 유로를 배상하라고 결론 내림, 이후 첼시, 아스날, 레알 마드리드에 소속했었던 선수들이 European Court of Justice에 소송 제기했고 이동의 자유를 근거로 Diarra 손을 들어줌
Citing the financial, legal and sporting risks for players, the court said: "The rules in question are such as to impede the freemovement of professional footballers wishign to develop their activity by going to work for a new club."
It could open the door to significant changes in the multibillion-dollar transfer market that underpins football's economic model.
"The judgement has broad implications for the transfer system but also for Fifa's governance and ability to regulate football."
"It's another example of the EU courts being ready to control Fifa's regulatory over-reach and lack of good governance."
Austrian parties begin coalition talks after far right's election win
EU states agree to tariffs on Chinese EVs
Harris charm offensive begins to pay off with big business
미국 민주당 해리스 후보의 재계를 향한 매력 공세
Wall Street is warming to Kamala Harris after weeks of behind-the-courting between donors and her presidential campaign, even as some executives still lean towards Donald Trump and his plans for deep tax cuts.
"People had been staying out, giving to congressional campaigns and preparing for the worst... they are now engaged."
Japan's new prime minister vows to tackle deflation
In search of Japan's 'lost' art
The controversial closure of a museum has shone a light on the vast collections acquired during the bubble years - and warned companies that their relationship with society is changing.
Openings and opportunities
"So are you going to just sit there all day or actually do something about your situation and whatever it is you're thinking?"
Is it stylish to be fit?
Es Devlin's next act
Interview: From spectacular stage designs to intimate portraits, the polymathic artist refuses to be boxed in.
Art can mirror your life
First instincs vs second thoughts, which side are you on?
Eeveryone looks better in soft lamplight
Thrive mentality
plants that flourish despite bad weather and neglect
정원 가꾸기의 심리적 효능, 스트레스와 우울증 경감, 돌봄과 관계 유지, ups and downs가 정원 가꾸기가 스트레스도 주지만 매 분마다 행복을 주는 게 아니고 장기간 행복을 준다고 글쓴이는 말함
Jessica B Harris
The shape of success
현재 마켓 밸류 40억 달러로 평가받는 Skims 설립 5년차, Kim Kardashian과의 인터뷰
"I know exactly what I want."
ⓒ 2024. @hanahanaworld.tistory.com all rights reserved.
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